Audits, Reviews & Compilation
Bayside Accounting's financial statement services comprise all three levels of assurance depending on your company's needs
Offer the highest level of assurance to third parties, and include in-depth examination and confirmation of account balances, inventories, and selected transactions. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation. We perform audits for you to remove errors, ascertaining the validity and reliability of your information
Provide limited assurance to outside interests and involve inquiries and analytical procedures that confirm financial statement matters and identify any items requiring further analysis. We perform reviews to ensure the integrity of your data
usually requested for internal purposes and are based upon information provided by a company's management. They do not offer assurance but may involve some adjustment to accounting records
Where a chartered accountant, certified public accountant or other credentialed professional is engaged to issue or issues an examination, a review, or an agreed-upon procedures report on a subject matter, or an assertion about a subject matter that is the responsibility of another party
It involves rendering an opinion on financial statements prepared in accordance with accounting principles relevant to the entity, whether in accordance with Egyptian Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS),US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) or accounting principles generally accepted in a specific country
It also includes reporting on internal control as part of the financial statement audit, advice on application of accounting principles and rules in conjunction with financial statement audits
Our Audit Methodology
Our audits are planned to be responsive to our assessment of the risk of material misstatement based on the understanding we gain of the organization and its environment, including its internal control. We utilize this understanding to design the nature, timing, and extent of our audit procedures, while maintaining an objective and independent attitude. We also strive to provide timely communications regarding professional developments, and insights regarding matters that may affect the organization's business